Current Standings for Spring 2025


Larry J's - Blumenberg 57 69 0 0 .452
Hotshots #5 - Schniers 51 75 0 0 .405
Hotshots #6 - Heet 50 76 0 0 .397
Larry J's - Langendorf 48 78 0 0 .381
Larry J's - Daake 40 86 0 0 .317
Hotshots #5 - Burch 36 90 0 0 .286

Click on a team to view team schedule and match results.

To be eligible for playoffs, players must play at least matches - 25% of available matches.

Divisional Playoff Schedule

NEW FORMAT!! Your division's playoffs will be played over a two week period. The first and second place teams will host week one playoffs. The winners in week one will play each other in week two at the higher finishing team's home bar. The winners of each match should call the MVDO Recorder and report their victory. Week two matchups will be displayed on the home page next week.

Here are the matchups for the first round(START TIME 7:30 PM):

(1st Place) Larry J's - Blumenberg will play (4th Place) Larry J's - Langendorf

(2nd Place) Hotshots #5 - Schniers will play (3rd Place) Hotshots #6 - Heet

Team Stats for THURS CRK B195

Larry J's - Blumenberg  (57-69)

Bar - Larry J's  314-631-2921
Captain - Brian Blumenberg  (H) 314-701-6218  (C) 314-701-6218
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Player Rating Minnesota Spanish Cricket Singles Win %

Hotshots #5 - Schniers  (51-75)

Bar - Hotshots - Lindbergh (#5)  (314) 200-3085
Captain - Carl Schniers  (H) 314-578-5019
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Player Rating Minnesota Spanish Cricket Singles Win %

Hotshots #6 - Heet  (50-76)

Bar - Hotshots - Fenton (#6)  636-343-1900
Captain - Tim Heet  (H) 314-701-5284
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Player Rating Minnesota Spanish Cricket Singles Win %

Larry J's - Langendorf  (48-78)

Bar - Larry J's  314-631-2921
Captain - Ron Langendorf  (H) 314-346-1262  (C) 314-346-1262  (W) 636-343-2132
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Player Rating Minnesota Spanish Cricket Singles Win %

Larry J's - Daake  (40-86)

Bar - Larry J's  314-631-2921
Captain - Amanda Daake  (H) 314-518-7715
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Player Rating Minnesota Spanish Cricket Singles Win %

Hotshots #5 - Burch  (36-90)

Bar - Hotshots - Lindbergh (#5)  (314) 200-3085
Captain - Steve Burch  (H) 314-600-5769
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Player Rating Minnesota Spanish Cricket Singles Win %


- .000