Upcoming Tournaments

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Midwest Winter Classic IV

(Jan 31- Feb 2)

Hotshots - Fenton
950 S. Highway Dr
Fenton, MO 63026
view flyer

The MVDO Winter Classic tournament will feature events for all levels of players. The MVDO will hold their annual A, B and C singles Championship on Saturday afternoon. This event is open to anyone that has ever played an MVDO season and has an MVDO rating. A players are 240 and up. B players are 140-239 and 139 and below are C players. Any women rated over 239 may play in the B singles should they choose.

There will be a B Singles, and A/B Doubles and two B doubles events this weekend. For these events, a B player is anyone with an MVDO rating 199 and below. All women also qualify as a B player regardless of rating. These events are open to all players from any leagues. You must have a B or lower rating (or its equivalent) in your league to play B singles/doubles or be the B player in the A/B Doubles. If requested you must show proof of your rating - web site, Dart Connect, etc. All women are eligible for the B singles, doubles and/or A/B doubles regardless of rating. The exception would be any Nationally ranked woman or a woman of known ability. The final decision on eligibility for the B events is up to the MVDO Board and the tournament staff.