M.V.D.O. Rules and Regulations

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Section 7 - Protests

Rule 7.a

Protests will be heard by a panel of at least three team captains; none of who shall be from the protesting division (except during playoffs), and the chairman will be the MVDO Vice-President. Chairman will give advance notice of the hearing to the effected captains. The Vice-President will be disqualified if his team is involved in the protest and the President will appoint a chairman.

Rule 7.b

A protest must be filed with a Board member in writing within one week of the protested match. If mailed, postmark date will control. In the last three weeks of the season, the protest must be made orally by noon of the day following the match to any Board member.

Rule 7.c

During Playoffs, protests must be made before the match is completed and will be heard immediately if at all possible. If the protest is dropped on completion of the match because the protested game would not alter the outcome of the match, the fee will be refunded.

Rule 7.d

A fee of $10.00 must accompany the protest. If the protest is upheld, the fee will be refunded.

Rule 7.e

The Vice-President will keep a written, permanent record of all protests, including the names of the parties, the nature of the protest, names of the panel members, and the results.

Rule 7.f

The Vice-President will establish the rules to govern the hearings. It is strongly suggested that oral evidence be allowed.

Rule 7.g

The Board will notify the protester of the current status of the protest within 2 weeks of the initiation of the protest.