Player History
NOTE: The MVDO player history section currently shows data from Spring 2002 to present. Data from as far back as Spring 1983 will be entered into the
computer database over the next few weeks, err I mean years. Some day I promise!
Player Search
Matt Frisella
Rating: 83
History - Season by Season
view career totals
Fall 2016: MON B168 - Muser's - Fernandez |
Team |
Spanish |
501 |
Cricket |
Singles |
Win % |
0-3 |
1-0 |
1-3 |
0-3 |
0-1 |
.222 |
Summer 2016: MON B167 - Muser's - Fernandez |
Team |
Spanish |
501 |
Cricket |
Singles |
Win % |
4-2 |
1-5 |
0-6 |
0-5 |
0-3 |
.050 |
Spring 2014: WED B142 - Musers - Hasty |
Team |
Spanish |
501 |
Cricket |
Singles |
Win % |
1-2 |
0-0 |
1-2 |
0-0 |
0-1 |
.250 |
Fall 2013: THURS CRK B138 - Bommars - Hasty |
Minnesota |
Spanish |
Cricket |
Singles |
Win % |
3-4 |
4-6 |
11-11 |
4-22 |
.338 |
Spring 2013: MON B141 - Muser's - Fernandez |
Team |
Spanish |
501 |
Cricket |
Singles |
Win % |
0-0 |
0-0 |
0-0 |
0-0 |
0-0 |
.000 |
Fall 2012: WED SPLIT - Bommars - Fernandez |
Team |
Spanish |
501 |
Cricket |
Singles |
Win % |
0-11 |
2-7 |
0-9 |
0-10 |
3-5 |
.139 |
Fall 2012: MON B134 - Musers - Fernandez |
Team |
Spanish |
501 |
Cricket |
Singles |
Win % |
5-2 |
4-0 |
4-4 |
4-2 |
1-4 |
.565 |
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