Corking rules - Cork all legs. First leg - home team has the option to cork first or second in the opening leg. Second and all legs that follow -
loser of the previous game has the option to cork first or second.
For the Thursday night Open and Advanced singles leagues - Home team starts the first game of the night, then for each set after that, the loser of the previous set goes first
in game one of the new set. In all sets, loser of game one goes first in game two. If a set requires a third game, cork on the third leg, with the loser of game two having the option to see or show the cork.
For the Thursday night Intermediate and Beginner singles leagues - Home team starts first game, loser of previous games starts next game. NO CORKING.
*Chicago definition - The MVDO plays a modified version of Chicago. Winner of the first cork (see corking rules) calls the first game - 501, cricket or 301. The loser of the first game calls the second game, but you still cork for the start. The game can be declared before or after the cork, and must be a game not played yet. Cork on the third leg (see corking rules) and play whichever of the three games has not been played yet.
4-Person Team Format (A and B Divisions) - 11 games:
4-Person Team Format (C Divisions) - 9 games:
Open/Mixed Doubles Format (A and B Divisions) - 9 games:
Mixed Doubles - For singles matches - one round is Team #1 male vs. Team #2 male and Team #1 female vs. Team #2 female and one round is Team #1 male vs. Team #2 female and Team #1 female vs. Team #2 male. Can be played either round first.
All Doubles - The same two people cannot play against each other twice in singles in any given match. If you played against a player in the first set of singles, you must play against someone different in the second set of singles.
Open/Mixed Doubles Format (C Division) - 7 games:
Mixed Doubles - For singles matches - one round is Team #1 male vs. Team #2 male and Team #1 female vs. Team #2 female and one round is Team #1 male vs. Team #2 female and Team #1 female vs. Team #2 male. Can be played either round first.
All Doubles - The same two people cannot play against each other twice in singles in any given match. If you played against a player in the first set of singles, you must play against someone different in the second set of singles.
Open Cricket Doubles (A and B Divisions) - 9 games:
All Doubles - The same two people cannot play against each other twice in singles in any given match. If you played against a player in the first set of singles, you must play against someone different in the second set of singles.
Open Cricket Doubles (C Division) - 9 games:
All Doubles - The same two people cannot play against each other twice in singles in any given match. If you played against a player in the first set of singles, you must play against someone different in the second set of singles.
Open/Pro Singles (221-299 ratings) - 9 games:
Advanced Singles (161-220 ratings) - 7 games:
Intermediate Singles (100-160 ratings) - 9 games:
Beginner Singles (0-99 ratings) - 7 games: