M.V.D.O. Singles Money League Rules and Regulations
Section 8 - Ratings
Rule 8.a
See the Ratings section in League Rules for a complete explanation of MVDO Ratings.
Rule 8.b
At the end of a season, all Singles League players will have their rating adjusted in the following manner:
- Pro/Open division - no ratings adjustments
- Advanced division - if you finished in first place in the regular season or you finished in 1st place
in the playoffs, your MVDO rating will be adjusted to a 221.
- Intermediate division - if you finished in first place in the regular season or you finished in 1st place
in the playoffs, your MVDO rating will be adjusted to a 161.
- Beginner division - if you finished in first place in the regular season or you finished in 1st place
in the playoffs, your MVDO rating will be adjusted to a 101.
Rule 8.c
The regular MVDO end of season ratings formula will be run first and singles players ratings will only be adjusted if their
rating did not exceed the number it is to be raised to.
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